

Choose Your Class

In certain video games you get to choose your class. Who do you want to be? A Wizard? Warrior? Thief? So many options. Well let’s play a game. Your wife hints she likes flowers. You don’t really like doing things out of guilt but you buy them anyway. Wow, you’re feeling good, you did something nice. You come home and display the proud flowers to her hoping for accolades. She gives you a short thank you and says "I really prefer roses." Ugh. You were trying to be accommodating and were rewarded with criticism. Que the inner hurt. So what is your response to these uncomfortable feelings. What role will you play?


Here They Come Again…

I bet sometimes you find yourself feeling absolutely shitty. Perhaps you woke up with it. Or maybe it just comes. Almost instantly we mentally scramble to find a way out. We squirm like wiggly worms running away from the rain flood, desperately seeking the surface where we can breathe again. Turn on some music, what’s in the fridge, give me the remote, I need to hit the gym. Maybe just blog about it. Anything but feel the feelings. We could deny that we feel them. Maybe try to rationalize them away. Or how about quoting some Bible scripture, that should work. God deliver me from this anguish.